
Get a smile you’ll love with near-invisible clear aligners.

Being well-informed is vital when choosing a teeth straightening option.

The Invisalign™ system works to straighten your teeth, little by little, though a series of discreet, comfortable, and removable plastic aligners.

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The Invisalign™ system works to straighten your teeth, little by little, though a series of discreet, comfortable, and removable plastic aligners.

They’re a popular and affordable option for those with overcrowding, gaps, and over/under/cross bites. A major advantage being the fact that they can be removed, meaning your teeth can be brushed and flossed as normal, eliminating many potential complications.

How it works:

  1. Using advanced 3D scanning technology, we’ll create an incredibly accurate computer-generated model of your teeth.
  2. We’ll devise a treatment plan for your specific needs by creating a series of virtual models of your teeth, each one straighter than the last, until the final aesthetic goal is met.
  3. The 3D models are printed and used to create a series of clear, durable, plastic aligners that will gradually straighten your teeth over time.
  4. Following our tailored treatment plan, you’ll wear each aligner day and night for a week or two before switching to the next, removing only for eating and cleaning.
  5. We’ll track your progress with in-clinic check ups every couple of months.
  6. Once the final goal has been achieved, we’ll create new retainers of your teeth in their final position that you’ll wear according to our recommendations, ensuring that your teeth remain perfectly aligned.
  7. You have the smile you’ve always wanted! No metal, no glue, no wires.

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